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Azadi Train Schedule 2024 Pakistan Railways Route

Details of Azadi Train Schedule 2024 Pakistan Railways RouteĀ are here. To know about this Pakistan Railways Azadi Train Route, we can give you correct information. Note that this Azadi Train will be starting its journey from the station of Margalla right on 12th Aug 2024. This Azadi Train will be passing from the four provinces of our country and then it will end its journey on 25th Aug 2024 exactly at the time of 6:00 pm.

It will reach to the Karachi Cantt station on 25th Aug 2024. This Azadi Train is being started to celebrate the 70th anniversary of this Independence day of Pakistan. Right from the Margalla station Islamabad, this train will set out on its journey. Schedule has also been uploaded on the official site of Pakistan railway. On Wednesday, this train will start its journey and expedition at the time of 12:30 pm. First this train will reach to Peshawar Cantt at the time of 4:30 pm.

Then on 13th Aug 2024, it will start its traveling from Peshawar and will reach to Rawalpindi. On 15t Aug 2024, this train will arrive in the Lahore city. This train will be staying in Lahore city for 2 days and then on 17th Aug 2024, it will start off with its journey again.

After having its departure from Lahore city, it will reach to Multan city. Once reaching to Multa city, this Pakistan Railways Azadi Train will be heading to Khanpur destination. One day stay will be made in Khanpur destination and then this train will reach to the place of Sukkhur.

Azadi Train Schedule 2024 Pakistan Railways Azadi Train Route

azadi train schedule

And then the schedule will go on and on. Do check the proper and complete schedule of this Azadi Train if you want to attend this program. Lastly, this Azadi Train will end and stop its journey at the stop of Karachi cantt station. We hope that Pakistan government and the railway department of Pakistan have taken security measures too for the safety of passengers.

For more details of Pakistan Railways Azadi Train Route, you can stay tuned. Enjoy this schedule and program of Azadi train and celebrate the 70th anniversary of your Independence Day in Pakistan with a more patriotic feeling this time. Updates about this azadi train started by Railyway department of Pakistan will regularly be shared. Enjoy this initiative and take part in it.

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