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June Solstice Date 2017 Meaning Moon The June Solstice Northern Hemisphere

For the information, this June Solstice is by far the longest day in year. It happens and occurs on 21st June. To know about the June Solstice Date 2017 meaning In Pakistan, it is 21st June 2017. On this day, you will face an intense amount of heat. Sun will remain on your face for hours and hours. You can also call it as the astronomical event. This event happens in each and every year and that too for time.

We observe longest day in the summer time and then we have the shortest day in the winter time. It is during the time of Solstices when the tilt of axil of the Earth is at the maximum, it is at 23° 26′. Normally this longest day occurs on the dates of 20th June or it can also happen on the date of 21st June. In the same way, the shortest day occurs in the month of December, this event takes place and occurs on the dates of 21st Dec or 22nd  December.

In Pakistan, this time 2017 you will have June solstice on 21st June 2017. As this solstice takes place in the month of June, that is why we give it the name of Summer solstice. The countries located in the the Northern hemisphere, they face this longest day and these countries are UK, USA and Canada and also Russia, India and too China.

June Solstice Date 2017 Meaning Moon The June Solstice Northern Hemisphere

21st June 2017 will be longest mid summer day. On this day, you will see that earth will be inclined right towards the sun. In year 2017, 2018 and 2019, we will have these longest day on the date of June 21st. If you are living in Pakistan then make sure that you do take the precautionary measures on this longest day of year 2017.

summer solstice in pakistan

Do not go out on this date because it will be extremely hot. Save yourself from the intense rays of sun. Do not get a sun burn. Remain and stay in house as long as you can. This is a critical day, hottest day and also a longest day. Make yourself safe on this hottest and longest day as much as you can. Stay tuned and more information about the longest and shortest days will be given to you.

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