
Children Hospital Lahore Contact Number Doctors Phone Numbers

Children Hospital Lahore is one of the specialized doctors for children. If you want to contact with their doctors then here you can have a look at their phone numbers and too contact details for children hospital contact number.

Here, we have mentioned the names of doctors, and we have also mentioned and highlighted their phone numbers and contact details children hospital contact number. Their designation details and information will let you know in which areas these Children Hospital Lahore Doctors are specialized enough:

Children Hospital Lahore Contact Number Doctors Phone Numbers

  • Masoosd Sadiq, he is the Dean. children hospital contact number His Phone number and contact details are 04299230614.
  • Ahsan Waheed Rathore, his designation is the Medical Director. His Phone number is 92 42 99230246, his FAX number is 92 42 99230358 associated With Children Hospital Lahore
  • Hafiz Khushi Muhammad, his designation and area of specialization is AMS (Admin). His contact details are 92 42 99230901-23. Linked With Children Hospital Lahore
  • Muhammad Arif, his designation is AMS (General). His phone number is 92 42 99230901-23 and email address is [email protected] Worked At Children Hospital Lahore
  • Raza Hassan, his designation and area of specialization is AMS (C). His phone number and contact details are 92 42 99230901-23, [email protected] At Panel Of Children Hospital Lahore
  • Ahmad Bilal Khan, his designation and job is AMS (Purchase). His concerned phone number isc92 42 99230901-23 and you can write an email to him on this address: [email protected]
  • Muhammad Ashiq, his designation is Registrar (DME). His phone number is 92 42 99230901-23 and his further contact details are [email protected]

Further Contact Details Of Doctors Children Hospital Lahore

  • Edrees Anwar, his designation and area of specialization is Project Coordinator. For the information, his phone number is 92 42 99230901-23 and his email ID is [email protected] contact details available
  • Abuzar, his designation is DMS (Emergency) and you can call on this phone number 92 42 99230901-23 to get in touch with him. Hjis official email address is [email protected] only accessible
  • Muhammad Riaz, his designation and area of specialization is DMS (OPD). His phone number is 92 42 99230901-23 and his official ID is [email protected] Listed at Children Hospital Lahore panel
  • To get in touch with the Medical Social Officer, you can call on this number +92 42 99231049, and too on this phone number +92 42 99230901-23.

This is all about the Children Hospital Lahore Doctors and their Phone Numbers and also their contact Details. If we will further get in hand information about other doctors of Children Hospital Lahore, we will share with you.


  1. Assalam o alaikum, I have a 10 days baby boy, doctor said that he is down syndrome baby. I am very tense. Pl help and suggest a good doctor for opinion please.

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