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Urdu Speech On Hazrat Imam Hussain Poetry, Essay

Check out some interesting information on Urdu speech on Hazrat Imam Hussain Poetry, Essay. For the information, Hazrat Imam Hussain was the grandson of the Holy Prophet PBUH.  This pious figure is one of the most important and vital figures in the world of Islam and in this entire Islamic history. He actually became the Imam of Shia right after the death and demise of his older brother Hasan during the time of AD 670 (AH 50). You should also know that when Muawiyah died in the time of 680 AD then Hazrat Imam Hussain made this refusal to pledge allegiance to Yazid for the Speech on Imam Hussain in Urdu.

Urdu Speech On Hazrat Imam Hussain Poetry, Essay

He left Medina and then took refuge in Mecca in the time of AH 60. Hazrat Imam Hussain was killed and he was beheaded in that battle of Karbala. This battle took place on 10 October 680, we remember this day with the 10th of Muharram speech on muharram in urdu. This Husayn’s death has now turned and changed into a rallying cry. He, Hazrat Imam Hussain is one of the highly and much regarded Shia Muslims.

Speech on Imam Hussain in Urdu

To remember his sacrifices, an annual memorial takes place in the month of Muharram. His maternal grandmother was named Khadijah and his paternal grandparents were named Abu Talib and also Fatimah Bint Asad for Speech on Hazrat Imam Hussain in Urdu. Do you know that Hazrat Imam Hussain and Hasan, both of them have been regarded by holy Prophet PBUH as his own sons? He was born on the time of 10 October CE 625. He and his brother Hasan, were actually the last descendants of Muhammad PBUH. Both of them were also called “Masters of the Youth of Paradise”.

Urdu Speech On Hazrat Imam Hussain Poetry, Essay

Urdu Speech On Hazrat Imam Hussain

Speech on Hazrat Imam Hussain in Urdu

Hazrat Muhammad PBUH much and extremely loved them. This is all an Urdu speech on Hazrat Imam Hussain Poetry, Essay. You can check out the poetry and essay details over here on this page which we have shared and written for this pious and great Islamic figure. Hussain lived in our hearts speech on muharram in urdu. His bravery which he showed in the Battle of Karbala, is remembered for centuries and centuries. 9th Muharram and 10th Muharram and in fact the entire month of Muharram, it is celebrated just to remember the bravery of Hazrat Imam Hussain. Sooner we will share more interesting poetry and essay related to this Islamic figure for Imam Hussain Poetry in Urdu.

Hazrat Imam Hussain Poetry

The Martyr of Karbala

He stood alone against the tyrant’s horde, His sword a beacon in the gathering storm. He fought for truth and justice, for the right, And in the end, he gave his life in the fight for Imam Hussain Sher o Shayari.

Imam Hussain Poetry in Urdu, His name is Hussain, the Lion of God, His memory lives on in every heart that treads The path of righteousness, the path of truth speech on muharram in urdu. He is our guiding light, our shining youth for Imam Hussain Sher o Shayari.

We mourn his death, but we rejoice in his sacrifice. He showed us the true meaning of courage and defiance. He taught us that it is better to die on your feet Than to live on your knees in shame and defeat Hazrat Imam Hussain Poetry.

So let us raise our voices in his praise, And let us never forget his noble cause. Let us follow in his footsteps, and let us never give up The fight for truth, justice, and freedom Urdu Speech On Hazrat Imam Hussain Poetry, Essay.

Ya Hussain!

Here is another Hazrat Imam Hussain Quotes In Urdu:

Karbala History In Urdu 

The sand of Karbala is stained with blood, The sky is filled with cries of pain and fear. The bodies of the martyrs lie strewn about, A testament to the injustice of the hour Hazrat Imam Hussain Quotes In Urdu.

Hazrat Imam Hussain Quotes In Urdu, the grandson of the Prophet, Was killed along with his family and friends karbala quotes in urdu. They were slaughtered by the forces of Yazid, A tyrant who would not tolerate dissent. The tragedy of Karbala is a reminder Of the importance of standing up for what is right. It is a call to action for all those who believe In the power of truth and justice Urdu Speech On Hazrat Imam Hussain Poetry, Essay utho sakina chale karbala lyrics.

Karbala History In Urdu 

Karbala کا نام ایک شہر ہے جو عراق کے جنوبی صوبہ نجف میں واقع ہے۔ یہ شہر 680 عیسوی میں واقع ہونے والی جنگ کربلا کے لیے مشہور ہے، جس میں امام حسین علیہ السلام اور ان کے 72 ساتھیوں کو یزید بن معاویہ کی فوج نے شہید کیا تھا۔

Karbala کا نام “کربلا” عربی کے لفظ “کرب” سے نکلا ہے، جس کے معنی “غم” اور “بلا” ہیں۔ اس شہر کا نام اس لیے رکھا گیا کیونکہ امام حسین علیہ السلام اور ان کے ساتھیوں کو یہاں بہت زیادہ مصائب اور دکھوں کا سامنا کرنا پڑا تھا۔

Karbala کی تاریخ بہت پرانی ہے۔ یہ شہر قدیم بابل کے دور میں آباد تھا۔ اسلام کے عروج کے بعد، Karbala ایک اہم مذہبی مرکز بن گیا۔ یہاں امام حسین علیہ السلام کا مزار واقع ہے، جو اہل بیت کے لیے ایک اہم زیارت گاہ ہے۔

Karbala ہر سال محرم کے مہینے میں ایک بڑا میلہ منعقد ہوتا ہے، جس میں اہل بیت کے لیے تعزیے اور نوحے پڑھے جاتے ہیں۔ یہ میلہ اہل بیت کے ساتھیوں کی شہادت کو یاد کرنے اور ان کے لیے عزاداری کرنے کا ایک موقع ہے۔

Karbala ایک تاریخی اور مذہبی شہر ہے، جس کی تاریخ اور اہمیت بہت زیادہ ہے۔ یہ شہر اہل بیت کے لیے ایک اہم زیارت گاہ ہے اور ہر سال ہزاروں زائرین یہاں آتے ہیں۔

Karbala Quotes In Urdu

  • کربلا ایک ایسی جگہ ہے جہاں حق نے باطل سے جنگ کی اور باطل کو شکست دی۔”
  • “حسینؑ کی شان میں ہمیشہ نظمیں اور غزلیں لکھی جائیں گی۔”
  • “کربلا ایک ایسا پیغام ہے جو ہر نسل کو ظلم کے خلاف کھڑا ہونے کی تلقین کرتا ہے۔”
  • “حسینؑ کی شہادت نے اسلام کو ایک نئی روح دی۔”
  • “کربلا ایک ایسی جگہ ہے جہاں حق اور باطل کی جنگ کا فیصلہ ہوا۔”

Sure, here is a poem about Allama Iqbal Imam Hussain Urdu Poetry:

حیدر کرار کا بیٹا

حسینؓ ہے شیر خدا کا بیٹا ظلم سے نہیں ڈرتا حق کی راہ پہ چلتا اور اپنی جان ہار جاتا

حسینؓ ہے شہید کربلا کا بیٹا ظلم کے خلاف کھڑا حق کی آواز بلند کرتا اور اپنی جان قربان کرتا

حسینؓ ہے شمع شبیری کا بیٹا ظلم کے اندھیرے میں روشنی حق کی راہ پہ چلنے والوں کے لیے رہنمائی

حسینؓ ہے ہر ایک مسلم کا بیٹا جو دین کی خاطر جان دے سکتا ہے اور حق کی آواز بلند کر سکتا ہے

Ya Hussain!

Here is the English translation of the poem Allama Iqbal Poetry about Hazrat Imam Hussain in Urdu:

The Son of Haider Karaar

Hussain is the son of the Lion of God, He does not fear oppression, He walks on the path of truth, And sacrifices his life Allama Iqbal Poetry about Hazrat Imam Hussain in Urdu.

Hussain is the son of the martyr of Karbala, He stands against oppression, He raises his voice for truth, And sacrifices his life, Imam Hussain Books Urdu pdf.

Hussain is the son of the candle of Shabbir, He is a light in the darkness of oppression, He is a guide for those who walk on the path of truth, Imam Hussain Books Urdu pdf.

Hussain is the son of every Muslim, Who can give his life for the sake of religion, And raise his voice for truth Imam Hussain Books Urdu pdf .

Maqtal E Imam Hussain Lyrics 

Maqtal E Imam Hussain Lyrics is available only this site plz must read this Maqtal E Imam Hussain Lyrics

Maqtal E Imam Hussain Lyrics 

Ya Hussain!

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