
Verify Your Vote To Election Commission Of Pakistan By Sending CNIC SMS To 8300

It is to be noted that this notification has been sent by the Election Commission Of Pakistan that each one of us should be verifying our votes. For your information, the process of verifying your votes will be ending on 29th Aug 2023. It is the time that you should be registering your vote and act like a responsible citizen. Just 2 days are left now, hurry up and do not get late Verify Your Vote To Election Commission Of Pakistan By Sending CNIC SMS To 8300. Your vote should be registered.

Verify Your Vote To Election Commission Of Pakistan By Sending CNIC SMS To 8300

You can complete and get done with this verification process with the help of SMS. You only have to send your CNIC number of this number, 8300 and this is all, your vote will be verified and registered as well. The Election Commission Of Pakistan will also be sending its teams to each and every area in order to make sure that your votes have been verified and registered. If your age is 18 years and above then being a responsible citizen, it is your duty to act like a responsible citizen. It is the duty of each and every citizen to co-ordinate with the team of the Election Commission Of Pakistan.

  • For any of the trouble and more information, you should be making contact with the district election commissioner.

Verify Your Vote To Election Commission Of Pakistan By Sending CNIC SMS To 8300

  • This process of verifying votes has already been started on 10th Aug 2023 and the last date is 29th Aug 2023. You can check out the site of the Election Commission Of Pakistan, to get more details and information about this vote verification and vote registration process.

Do become part of this act, you should act like a responsible citizen and make sure that you do have to register your vote. Do not make your vote a waste, try to use your vote in a productive way and manner.

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