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Shab E Qadr Ka Waqia, Wazifa, Amal, Tarika, Nawafil, Wazaif

Check out the complete information about Shab e Qadr ka waqia, wazifa from this page, we will also give you the information about its amal, tarika and nawafil, wazaif. This night of Shab e Qadr has lost of wazaif present in it.

You will remove your past sins, you will get a place in jannat, your wishes will be fulfilled, these are the major on wazaif which this night offer to the Muslims. You do pray on 27th Ramadan so that you can have these blessings. For the amal of this holy night, you can perform any amal which is correct according to you.

If you are comfortable in performing nafal, then you can have the nawafil session. You can perform large number of nafals. But do take a break! For the other kinds of amal, Muslims can do tasbeeh and taraweeh, they can carry out the recitation of Quran.

Shab E Qadr Ka Waqia, Wazifa, Amal, Tarika, Nawafil, Wazaif

Before this night, is is better if you will look for the Surahs that prove the greatness, Holiness and onesness of God like we have Surah Qadar and Surah Ikhlas, these are the Surahs that prove the oneness of Holy God. So recite them as many times as you can.

Shab e Qadr

Talking about the waqia of Shab e Qadr, on this night Allah revealed the first five verses of Holy Quran on us, these are the verses of Suraj Alag. The first ayat revealed on us was Iqra, it has the meaning of Parh, study. So Allah has taught us the lesson that one should study first. In these first five verses of Holy Quran, Allah has showed the importance of studying, He has exhibited the vitality of studying and knowledge.
Laylat al Qadr Shab e Qadr 27 Ramadan Nawafil Prayers In Urdu
Importance And History Of Shab e Qadar In Islam In Urdu English

Whoever has a knowledge and thought in his mind, he is a better Muslim as compared to the other Muslims. So pray during this night of Shab e Qadr, study about Islam and do Zikar of Allah in the maximum ways and maximum number of times.

Just stay in touch with us and we will give you more of the factual figures of this blessed night. This holy night is about to come in the coming days, do not miss out the odd nights as well. Remove sins from your life in the 100% way and get the 100% forgiveness from Allah.

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